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2018 Contest Winners

congratulations to our 2018 literary and nancy pearl contest winners

Nancy Pearl Winners



Summer Dance

By Nan Rossiter

When Liam Tate was seven years old, his uncle Cooper opened his heart and his Nantucket home to him. In the intervening decades, Liam has found both love and loss on the island, and since learning of his son Levi’s existence, a new kind of happiness. Yet one piece of his family history remains elusive—the long-ago romance between his uncle and Sally Adams. Now Sally has a revelation that sets the whole town abuzz: She’s publishing a book about what happened during the summer when she and Cooper first met, painting a picture so vivid it feels like yesterday . . .















Catching Epics

By Halie Fewkes

Ebby didn’t know she was the new Human Epic until the day she was captured, stuck with the new Escali Epic, Vack, and told to be friends with him. They’re the two most powerful kids in the world, destined to be enemy combatants like every Epic before them, but they've been imprisoned together in hopes they might resolve some of their differences. Vack would rather push Ebby out a window than befriend her, while Ebby thinks Vack is a barbarian who might eat her, and the result is chaos. Allie and Archie are thrown into the fray when they’re asked to help a team of brutal hunters find and rescue Ebby. Archie makes recovering the Epic a priority, but Allie couldn’t be pulled any harder in the opposite direction. Rescuing a little girl sounds like the right thing to do, but leaving Ebby in the hands of the Escalis has a different appeal. If Ebby and Vack existed to do more than fight one another, they could change the course of the entire Human Escali war.







The Chicken Who Saved Us

By Kristin Jarvas Adams

Eight-year-old Andrew is autistic and bilingual. He speaks English–and Chicken. With words limited by autism, Andrew lives in a fantastic world where chickens talk and superheroes come alive. But when he tells his pet chicken Frightful that his body is trying to kill him, it launches Andrew’s family and an entire medical community into a decade-long quest for answers.


















Literary Contest Winners


  1st Place:

"The Exile" by Gregory Phillips

  2nd Place:

"Paine Unbound" by Heather Lockman

  3nd Place:

"Hold on to Me" by Rachael Spavins

Middle Grade:


  1st Place:

"What the Seahorse Told Me" by Mary Knight

  2nd Place:

"Presley Pina and the P.E.A" by Donna Barba Matney

  3nd Place:

'The Signal' by Robert Land


Historical - Sponsored by Pam Binder:

  1st Place:

"Crescent City"  by Kim O’Brien

  2nd Place:

"The Last Whippoorwill" by Mary Stafford

  3nd Place:

"One Day a Warrior" by Thomas Womack


Nonfiction/Memoir - Sponsored by Donna Conrad:

   1st Place:

"Mango Rash: Survival Lessons in the Land of Francidani and Fanta" by Nan Sanders Pokerwinski

  2nd Place:

"Climbing the Waters" by Sarah Conover

  3nd Place:

"The Lake Effect" by Rachel Greenley

Romance/Women's Fiction - Sponsored by Gerri Russell:

  1st Place:

"The Art of Scandal" by Suzanne Turner

  2nd Place:

"The Reluctant Traveler" by Anna Collins

  3nd Place:

"Change in Plans" by Karen Kroll



1st Place:

"Choose Your Own History and Hope: Nicole Nemioukoue, November 20th 1653", "The Fall of '16", "Continentall Rift by Leslie Frank

  2nd Place:

"Burden" by JR Rogers

  3nd Place:

"Walking the Elk River Road" by Bill Ransom


Mystery/Thriller - Sponsored by Robert Dugoni:

  1st Place:

"The Short Sellers" by Michael Cox

  2nd Place:

"Firewall" by Stephen Wallenfels

  3nd Place:

"Threshold" by Daniel Waters



Short Story:

  1st Place:

"New Pajamas" by Deanna Todd-Goodson

  2nd Place:

"The Man Who Never Slept" by Rachel Barnard

  3nd Place:

"Rest Stop Blues" by Patti Hulvershorn



1st Place:

"A Dark Shadow Against the Sun" by Hemant Nayak

  2nd Place:

"Shadows" by Joshua Corneil

  3nd Place:

"As Luck Would Have It" by Jason Mueller




1st Place:

"Sophia’s Secrets" by George Johnson

  2nd Place:

"Fifi the Elephant: Outside Person" by Kimberly Christensen

  3nd Place:

"Pill Bug Hill" by Christina Wilsdon




Young Adult

  1st Place:

"Indra’s Net" by Debra Carlson

  2nd Place:

"Sunk" by Maggie Adams

  3nd Place:

"The Arc of Ehdin" by Laura Reeves & Claire Bethke

Adult Short Topics: Sponsored by Behler Publications

1st Place:

"Be the Good You Wish to Feel" by Erin Hillert

  2nd Place:

"As If We Had a Choice" by Mary Koch

  3nd Place:

"Children’s Children: Why Black Dolls Matter" by Karen Kurtz

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